Amazon S3 Pricing


S3 Standard - General purpose storage for any type of data, typically used for frequently accessed data
First 50 TB / Month$0.023 per GB
Next 450 TB / Month$0.022 per GB
Over 500 TB / Month$0.021 per GB
S3 Intelligent - Tiering* - Automatic cost savings for data with unknown or changing access patterns
Monitoring and Automation, All Storage / Month (Objects > 128 KB)$0.0025 per 1,000 objects
Frequent Access Tier, First 50 TB / Month$0.023 per GB
Frequent Access Tier, Next 450 TB / Month$0.022 per GB
Frequent Access Tier, Over 500 TB / Month$0.021 per GB
Infrequent Access Tier, All Storage / Month$0.0125 per GB
Archive Instant Access Tier, All Storage / Month$0.004 per GB
S3 Intelligent - Tiering* - Optional asynchronous Archive Access tiers
Archive Access Tier, All Storage / Month$0.0036 per GB
Deep Archive Access Tier, All Storage / Month$0.00099 per GB
S3 Standard - Infrequent Access** - For long lived but infrequently accessed data that needs millisecond access
All Storage / Month$0.0125 per GB
S3 One Zone - Infrequent Access** - For re-createable infrequently accessed data that needs millisecond access
All Storage / Month$0.01 per GB
S3 Glacier Instant Retrieval*** - For long-lived archive data accessed once a quarter with instant retrieval in milliseconds
All Storage / Month$0.004 per GB
S3 Glacier Flexible Retrieval (Formerly S3 Glacier)*** - For long-term backups and archives with retrieval option from 1 minute to 12 hours
All Storage / Month$0.0036 per GB
S3 Glacier Deep Archive*** - For long-term data archiving that is accessed once or twice in a year and can be restored within 12 hours
All Storage / Month$0.00099 per GB
